The Deputy Speaker of the Socialist Parliamentary Group Alfonso Martínez Baños has obtained the unanimous support of the Commission for Territorial Policy, Environment, Agriculture and Water in a motion in which he asks that the Mediterranean highway (A-7) be soundproofed as it passes through Librilla, "a very necessary project for the health of the neighbors of the municipality".
Martínez Baños indicated that it is a historical demand that starts in 1999. "Since then, there have been numerous agreements of plenary sessions of all municipal corporations, of all political signs, to claim the Demarcation of State Roads measures to resolve this serious problem with the installation of acoustic screens in the western section of the highway ".
The journey to try to get a better quality of life to the inhabitants of this municipality has been very long.
In the year 2000, Demarcation of Roads assured that the project of installation of antirruido screens was written up, but it lacked budgetary consignment.
In 2002, the City Council of Librilla requested it again without success.
In a document of 2005, in particular, in the previous study of strategic noise maps of the roads of the State network in the Region of Murcia, made by the Ministry of Development, it is recognized that in Librilla the greatest affections are generated, with a population of more than 600 inhabitants exposed to nocturnal levels higher than 55 decibels, which affects 15% of the total population of the municipality;
while 25% of the population is exposed to levels of between 60-70 decibels.
In addition, there are two educational buildings in the municipality that support higher levels of 60 decibels during the day and afternoon.
In 2007, the City Council submitted a new document referring to noise legislation.
In 2009, it was tried again and Demarcation of Roads argued that the third lane between Crevillente and Alhama was going to be built.
Again, in 2011, the City Council demanded a solution to the problems caused by noise and environmental pollution, but it also did not have the expected response.
"All these demands have never been met and the years have gone by with excuses from the Road Demarcation to not carry it out."
The socialist deputy spokesman demands that regardless of the project carried out by the Ministry, these acoustic screens should be installed as soon as possible and the demands of hundreds of neighbors who live a few meters away from this highway and have been supporting the noise caused by a Intense traffic 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.