Progressive Union of Librilla joins the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, recognizing the valuable work and great work to integrate the Association of Families of People with Disabilities Librilla (AFAPEDIS) performed at their center, with few means and financial resources at their disposal.
Example of enthusiasm and commitment in the fight for full integration.
The objective of the commemoration of this day should not be other than the public understands the problems of people with disabilities, involved in the struggle for true equality and full integration in every aspect of political, social , economic and cultural development of their municipalities.
On a day like today by Librilla Progressive Union, joins the show of support to the Associative Movement of People with Physical and Organic in our region, while showing concern over the significant reduction in the budget provided for the maintenance of institutions and organic physical disability, as provided in the Budget designed by the Regional Government, which may involve not only the removal of services provided to persons with physical disabilities and organic in our region, but the dismissal of more than 90 professionals and close associations with the disappearance of associations of persons with physical disabilities and organs of our Community has a history of more than 30 years.
Today, December 3, 2010, International Day of Persons with Disabilities, we want to participate and involve librillanas librillanos and in the fight against the removal of those barriers that prevent disabled people from Librilla the enjoyment of their rights fully in our society.
Source: Unión Progresista por Librilla