Have been clarified Almazaras twelve robberies in Murcia, Ciudad Real, Albacete, Valencia, Toledo, Badajoz, Jaén
The total amount stolen oil to 1 million liters
The Guardia Civil has proceeded in the town of Xativa (Valencia), to arrest the head of the logistics stage of a criminal group dedicated to the theft of large quantities of oil mills in various parts of Spanish territory, to Italy, in the second phase of an operation called "OLIVERA".
Operation "olive" was initiated following a theft of oil in a mill in Bullas perpetrated on 19 June 2010 which stole more than 45,000 kgs., Oil and which used sophisticated means and infrastructure.
"Modus Operandi"
The detainee was responsible for facilitating the perpetrators of the robberies the logistics necessary to accomplish them.
All this by obtaining information on quantities and quality was the oil stored in different mills.
Once determined the necessary data on the deposits of oil, the detainee was in charge of organizing the departure of the goods by truck trailer tank hidden inside, to a place that is transferred to oil tankers hidden authorized for this type transport in a rented warehouse in the town of Castello del Rugat.
When the goods already loaded into tanker trucks, it was moved to the port of Valencia to take her to Italy, using invoices and transport documents forged, using the cover provided by the fictitious business network in Spain have detained and Italy, thus justifying transport and shipping.
The current balance of the operation is as follows:
- Born in 1960.
Town of Xativa (Valencia).
Source: Ministerio del Interior