"From the Socialist Group Librilla watched with great concern how the days went by van to the deadline given by the Government of Argentina to the presentation of the projects participating in the Local Investment Fund, and which in Librilla corresponds to the not inconsiderable amount of € 774,855, and urge the Municipal Government to this project so that money is not lost.
Since the Socialist Party fear that history repeat itself once again.
The current government has already made losing a grant from the Ministry of Environment of more than 36 million euros for the Irrigation Improvement Plan for our town.
In the last plenary ordinary year, the Municipal Socialist Group in the exercise of his duty of responsibility and serious and constructive opposition, ensuring the interests of Librilla submitted to Parliament that the proposal to invest this money in building a Home for Elderly, thus fulfilling the requirements to create jobs in our town, not only with the implementation of this project, but also the subsequent operation thereof, while contributing to social welfare of all and librillanas librillanos.
The Popular Party voted not only against our motion, but was unable to propose any project to be eligible for that amount of money and refused to hand out the Socialist Spokesman offered for this money is not lost.
The current team of municipal government, more concerned with maintaining pulses with the Popular Party at the regional level, is showing no interest in the interests of Librilla and its neighbors.
We can not understand how the current Mayor has been complaining all summer in the media of the economic situation facing the Consistory and now rejects this infusion of money we librillanos corresponds to the national coffers. "
Source: Agrupación Socialista de Librilla