Portal de Librilla


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Members of the Municipal Executive Committee of the Socialist Party visited CHS works carried out in the promenade of the river Oron (16/12/2009)

More than 66 million pesetas CHS has invested in cleaning the bed of the ravine as it passes through the center of town to avoid clogging the channel and it can cause damage to the side slopes, preventing the danger of landslides and you can drag to the homes located in the margins.

Remember that, with this action amounting to a sum of 400,000 euros, Hydrographic Confederation in last June, spent about 84,000 euros, almost 14 million pesetas, representing the government of the nation and for the Plan E, elimination of the plague-infected drainers of cochineal carmine, which not only accounted for infectious foci and constant source of inconvenience to the residents of the area by biting insects, but also gave our promenade a unfortunate picture of abandonment and neglect, both situations reported by the Socialist Group in numerous full, having been ignored by the People's Government Team.

Therefore Librilla socialists wanted to visit the state of the avenue, thanking the CHS investments and help it to recover one of the most iconic images Librilla.

"It is unfortunate that since the People's Government has not lifted a finger to perform any work for improving this by taking advantage of investments made by the CHS, the banks must be secured if we do not want nearby homes end up in the river bed and avoid potential tragedy in our town.

And it is equally unfortunate that is not done nothing to prevent the accumulation of garbage and waste debris to it, popping his side as genuine landfills, giving a picture of total neglect of the municipality, and even more if we consider that In the past month of June, was cleared by the CHS without jurisdiction and at the beginning of these works have been found again in an embarrassing situation of dirt. "

Source: PSOE Librilla

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